So we played another concert yesterday. Still getting used to being in a band! It was awesome! We all had fun cutting the rug with our Rec buddies afterwards. Needless to say there were lots of jealous "water-diggers" in attendance. This trip is going to be simply epic.

|We now have the truck secured and ready for service. The trailer is confirmed. The canoe is a go! All thats left is food, clothing, safety gear, reenacting equipment, packing, equipment checks... OK so there is a lot to do. We're all ready though!

I am currently finishing my student teaching at Hamm and having a blast! The time to departure is now measured in weeks not months!!
We had rehearsal tonight for the benefit concert... boy do we sound great! Come out on Friday night and hear us play "The Study" at Lakehead.
Also, thanks to our PayPal donors! Community support is picking up!