So the sun is shining after a couple days of cold and wet weather, and we're having a day off in Thompson Falls, Montana. This little town is beautiful and has some very friendly residents roaming about. I had a well needed shower this morning at the local highschool - the water was warm and I'm feeling fresh!
On the drive in yesterday, Katie, Matt and myself went for a walk around Kootenai Falls. It was nice to have some quiet time in such a beautiful location. I managed to "baptize" myself under one of the small falls. Matt went a step further by taking off most of his clothing and dunking his body under the falls entirely! 
What else have we been up to... Fort Steele was a neat spot. There were lots of Clydesdale horses, extremely scenic views of the river and mountains, and a good time shared with Jaco Finlay and some delicious mead! Anyway, so far, so good and I can't wait to get paddling again tomorrow :)
6/24/2011 01:37:15 pm

Did Matt also "baptize" himself under the Falls? Did he have the good fortune of being touch by the FSM Noodly Appendages? I really envy him...(sighs)

Carlos Santander-Maturana


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